titlebar of Hagakure T's

Ver.3 : Two Knots Side by Side.

two knots side by side. image001
Spread FUROSHIKI in rhombus and place yoga mat in the center of FUROSHIKI.
two knots side by side. image002
Bring two corners, far and near one, together and cross them over.
two knots side by side. image003
Pull two corners to right and left.
two knots side by side. image004
Tie a square knot left corner and the one you just pull to left.
two knots side by side. image005
Tie the other side of corner with a square knot and little bit loosely.
two knots side by side. image006
Put it sholder to loosely one in stylish way.Be wrapped yourself in nature too.

Ver.1:Simple Bag

Ver.2:Water Melon Wrap

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